
Flight of the Imagination

I absolutely adore this whimsical songbird chandelier from Anthropologie.
I want it so badly to find its home in my closet… it would be so fantastic to see those precious little finches and parakeets hovering in the air every time I opened my door. However, the price tag is not fitting for a closet light fixture, so I am going to attempt to make this imaginative piece.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get started?
I am going to go to my local hardware store to get 2 steel rings, like 1’ in diameter (I am going to scale it down a bit since it is to hang in my closet) and some brass or copper wire (that’s what the materials are said to be under the description on the website) and just start making a grid pattern! They sell the prettiest little birds at Hobby Lobby and Michaels and I would love to be able to find some Manzanita branches to use as the perches.

I hope to start this project soon… I will post pics if the end result is respectable!

I had this other thought. If this grid wire chandelier ends up being too difficult of a task, I was thinking I could make a bird mobile and suspend it with a exposed, low wattage bulb. There are some really cute bird mobiles out there when I started searching images for inspiration…. Check these out!


  1. I actually don't think that first one would be hard at all. It looks like a type of chicken wire cut in a strip and tied with possibly floral wire to the rings. The birds and such can be found a Hobby Lobby or Michael's. A lighting kit can be bought at the hardware store. And you could use a cut up wire hanger to attach the ring to the light.

  2. I thought it might be difficult, but your right! On a whim I made it yesterday... I went to McCoys for chicken wire, Michaels for the birds and stems, I even got a nest... and I used Macramé steel rings for the rings... I had to spray paint them silver though to match the wire - they came an ugly brassy gold. It cost under $50 for all the supplies and the one I posted sells for $795!!! It looks so similar too...

    The only thing that I would do next time is use long gloves because that chicken wire cut me up!!!

    I am going to post my version of it when I get it wired... :)

  3. Post your picture of it!! Or I'll come by your house and look at it....

  4. I finished it... Its okay, but now I know what I would do differently. So I am going to do it a second time and then post a pic of it. I learned from my mistakes on the first one! :)
